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Perfect Fit Blinds - Window Damage

Can Perfect Fit Blinds Damage My Windows?

We have manufactured Perfect Fit Blinds for 12 years and produce hundreds of units every day. During that time we have had two instances where Customers have reported problems which, to be fair, we feel are not directly due to an issue with the Perfect Fit product.

Our first reported  was from a Customer who had hand function problems and chose to tap the brackets home with a toffee hammer and accidentally hit the glass. Another problem was reported that the pane had a fracture at the point where the bracket met the glass, this had appeared after the son had kicked a ball indoors and hit the outer frame. So all in not really a product issue.

Of course it only takes a quick Google search to confirm that window damage is not an associated occurrence, quite the opposite as the application removes the need for drilling or screwing your double glazed window units. Considering the millions of units that have been fitted nationwide over the years you would expect any associated problems to be reported. This we feel is a universal thumbs up of the products qualities and claims and therefore window damage is not a consideration of concern.